Animation & VFX
The Master of Science in Animation is a postgraduate programme in advanced animation offered by Bhagwan Mahavir University. The programme, which intends to prepare students for the competitive and quickly increasing profession of animation technology, was designed with assistance from industry experts. The programme was created with the needs of the business in mind and places a strong emphasis on practical, application-oriented learning.
The curriculum for animation is an extensive set of materials that addresses each stage of the animation process, from “script to screen.” The curriculum is made to assist students in developing their thinking, visualizing, and crafting abilities on a theoretical and practical level.
The programme helps students to:
- Master the art of Animation film-making
- Hone craft skills
- Inculcate the habits of exploration and experimentation
- Help foster creative ideation
Course Detail
Semester 1
- Animation Principles & Designing Rules
- Concept Development & Story Boarding
- Drawing and Composting
- Graphical Illustration
- Digital Imaging and UI Design
- Introduction to 3D
Semester 2
- Anatomy Study and Character Design
- Film Language and Appreciation
- Motion Graphics
- Character Modelling and Sculpting
- Interiors and Exterior Modeling
- Texturing and Camera Walkthrough
Semester 3
- 3D Animation
- Advances Rigging
- Facial Expression and Lip sync
- Lighting , Rendering and Compositing
- FX and Simulation
- Audio and Video Editing
Semester 4
- Internship/Project